
Compost Your EATware.

When I see, at parties large and small, the multitude of  disposable paper plates and plastic plates and utensils that get thrown into the garbage, I cringe.  Multiply this by paper and plastic ware in fast food eateries all over the country, every day, and you begin to understand the plight of landfills!  Change has to happen.

Let's Go Green is a "green" delight.  You'll find a lot of green items that you use daily, but what I am most impressed with, is their "green" EATware, such as plates, cups, bowls, spoons & forks & knives, etc.  "EAT", incidentally, stands for Environment Appropriate Tableware -- a neat play on words, don't you think?

All EATware is bio-degradable and compostable, suitable for hot and cold food, microwavable and steamer-safe, and, of course, totally non-toxic. It's a green idea made entirely from renewable sources, such as bamboo, rice, sugarcane & willow fibers; it's manufacturing process is such that no toxic emissions are left behind.  Any minimal waste from the manufacturing process is recycled back into the system.

Let's Go Green wants you to become familiar with all their green products, from their LED night lights to BPA-free water bottles to eco-friendly cleaning products and toilet paper.  Everyday stuff for cool people who care about the environment and want to leave a smaller footprint.

Just make sure you enter the coupon code of EHW20 at the checkout counter in order to save 20% on your order.  That means, anything you accumulate in the store, not only the EATware, is eligible for the 20% discount!

Because we strive to bring you the greenest user items, lets go green,


Remember:  EHW20 at the checkout counter

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