
Holiday Gifts Gallore!

Once Thanksgiving is behind us, the pull to the Christmas Holiday becomes relentless. It's suddenly high time to acquire the "holiday spirit" and that means making a list and checking it often more than twice. Now the question becomes acute: what holiday gift to give to family, friends, a colleague, a frequent traveler, your "significant other" ….

While our society thinks gift giving is appropriate at this time of the year, why not give a "green" gift that delights not only the recipient, but benefits the environment at the same time? "Green" has exploded and has fast become "the right thing to do." Zero sustainability is a worthy goal and why not let your concern shine through in your holiday gifts? That way you truly care to give the very best!

The Ultimate Green Store is your one-stop green shopping destination for home, office and everyone in the family. There you find a wide variety of gifts for men, women, travelers, kitchens, etc., or you can present your own wish list to "Santa" via a gift register! In fact you can make this your one-stop green shopping destination for everyone (including yourself!) on your holiday gift list and earn FREE SHIPPING on all holiday orders over $100 -- as long as you use the code of "Holiday2009." (This offer expires January 15, 2009.) And, don't forget your babies and pets in your green holiday gifts giving -- the greener the better!

Clicking on The Ultimate Green Store below takes you right where you find holiday gifts gallore and you can get your shopping done in one swoop and get FREE Shipping, too!
The Ultimate Green Store

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